Monday, June 15, 2009


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THE TRUMPET by Bill Burns -- June 15, 2009:I Have I not spoken to you? Have I not called you? Have I not established you? Have I not set you? Will I not send you, says the Lord. These indeed are the days of the revealing of My power and glory in the land. For, I have a royal priesthood. I have a chosen generation who have been hungry for all that I have. And, I would have you know that there are treasure chests stored up in heaven with your names written on them. Now as you ascend, as you go forth, go forth with anticipation; go forth and find the treasure; go forth and find out that which I have hidden for you? For these are the days when the mysteries of old shall be revealed and the glory of old shall come forth. I am bringing a river of My anointing to flow in such a magnificent way that when it comes upon you it will carry you into the fullness of My purposes, says the Lord. Rejoice and again I say rejoice!
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SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- June 15, 2009:In a vision I saw myself re-digging a well and finding an old stream bed; it was like a spring that began to flow abundantly. I realized that the Philistines who stopped up Abraham's wells represented the people in my past with that same spirit who were also sent to stop the flow of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in me. They were those who drank of the water of life with me and saw the miracles and manifestation of God's power and then turned and endeavored to stop up the well. It's not just a matter of forgiving those who have brought reproach, but one of recovering all that has been stolen. I remembered that a few weeks ago I had part of a song that kept repeating in my spirit, "the long and winding road", and I thought of Ziklag, which means "winding". But, Ziklag was where David recovered all. It is time for us to recover all that has been stolen in the way of anointing and gifting and to walk in renewed life and faith.Genesis 26:18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father, for the Philistines had stopped them up.

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