Tuesday, November 6, 2007


In looking over the previous post on self concept, I was reminded of a little book that I read some time ago on this subject, by Hannah Hurnard, Hinds Feet on High Places. It is an allegory of the journey each of us must take before we can live in 'high places', new heights of love, joy, and victory, based on Habakkuk 3:19. This is living in the Kingdom. The character, little Much-Afraid goes on a journey with the Sheperd, Jesus, with two companions, Sorrow and Suffering. Little Much-Afraid had a twisted mouth and crooked feet, and was afraid of everything and also had a longing to be loved. She goes through many difficult places and dangers, sometimes rising on the heights, and at other times going through the valley. Her journey takes her along the shores of Loneliness; agony of disappointment and frustration in the wilderness; the Forests of Danger and Tribulation, and through great storms and the times when she almost turned back when the heights seemed so far away. Until she finally comes to the High Places. This was after her heart of flesh and human love was replaced with the heart and love of Jesus. Jesus gave her a new name, Grace and Glory - and her companions, were also transformed from Sorrow and Suffering to Joy and Peace.

Jesus called her Daughter of the King (Psalm 45:10-15) He tells her to "...forget your people and your father's house; and the King will desire your beauty. Since he is your lord, bow to him...". Now that she is with Him on the High Places, she can go where He goes, and share in His work in the valley below, with her companions, Joy and Peace. Her crooked feet were transformed to 'hinds feet'.

What she learned -
-to accept with joy all that He allowed to happen to her and lay down her own will;
-to bear all that others were allowed to do against her, and to forgive without bitterness;
-that everything, all circumstance in life, no matter how ugly it may seem to be, if it is reacted to in love and forgiveness and obedience to God's Will, it can be transformed; and
-that Jesus never saw her as she actually was, lame and weak and crooked and fearful, but He saw her as she would be when He had done what He promised and brought her to the high places.

Oswald Chambers said that sometimes God has to break our hearts to get us to the place where He can us. In which case we should shout -

'Break my heart Lord so I can be used by You!"

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